Phase 2
We are now in Phase 2, and the Town is collecting input from the community on an enhanced design for El Camino Real to determine the best design for transportation improvements on El Camino Real. Community input will be considered along with the Phase 1 findings and technical requirements to select a preferred design concept for El Camino Real to advance through the project development process.
At the end of this study, the Town Council will select a preferred design concept for El Camino Real and pursue funding to design the enhancements and move the project towards implementation. The preferred design and input gathered from the community will set the foundation to advance the project through the Caltrans project development process once funding is secured.
Three design concepts are proposed that would serve a variety of corridor users including people walking, riding bikes or other devices, riding the bus, and driving. This segment of El Camino Real is generally 100-feet wide. The preferred design must be feasible within the existing right-of way and consider traffic/parking impacts, technical constraints and requirements, and construction costs. For example, adding sidewalks and bicycle lanes to improve safety will require more space. The design concepts explore the tradeoff of elements that can fit within the right-of-way for each design.
Design Concept #1

Added sidewalks and painted bike lanes
This design concept will add continuous sidewalks on both sides of the street to improve pedestrian safety. The width of the sidewalk will remain the same, and at some locations sidewalks will share space with bus stops and utilities. No vehicle lanes are removed.
Design concept #1 provides a one-way painted Class 2 bike lane on both sides of the street to provide a dedicated lane for cyclists.
Design Concept #2

Wider sidewalks and Separated bike lanes (Convert 2 vehicle lanes)
This design concept will convert the outer vehicle lanes in each direction to add wider continuous sidewalks on both sides of the street to improve pedestrian safety.
Design concept #2 provides a one-way separated bike lane on both sides of the street to provide a dedicated lane for cyclists. Cyclists are buffered from traffic by a 3-foot wide median. One vehicle in each direction (2 total) is converted to make room for enhanced cyclist and pedestrian infrastructure.
Design Concept #3

Wider sidewalks, separated bike lanes (Convert 1 vehicle lane)
This will add wider continuous sidewalks on both sides of the street to improve pedestrian safety.
Design concept #3 provides a one-way separated bike lane on both sides of the street to provide a dedicated lane for cyclists in wider sections of the corridor. In these wider sections, cyclists are buffered from traffic by a 3-foot wide median that could include a physical barrier. In narrower sections, the bikeway would transition to a striped bike lane. The center median would be shifted in some places to accommodate the conversion of one lane in either direction for these improvements.
Take the Phase 2 survey here to provide your feedback on each design concept!